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File size: 109KB

I made this Winamp skin from the cover of MM4, its one of my first skins.  And yes, *I* (holli) did make it...but I sort of used a skinner program as well...but the Easter egg I did ALL by myself! :-P.


Instructions for those who are non computer genius's:

1. Click the "pretty" blue font to download the zip file. when it asks you if you want to "save this file to the disk" or "open from its current location", click save to computer and then OK.

2. You MUST keep it in zip format, and save it to ".../Winamp/skins/"  (The "..." represents where Winamp is located on your PC, on most it is under C:\program files, but I don't know how you have your PC set up) as ""

3. Once the file is saved, open Winamp.

4. Hit Ctrl+P and a window will pop up for preferences.  Click on "skins".  A list of skins will show up in the right side of the box, click on "Animorphs" and then click close, and (dah dahdahdah dah...) you got Animorphs on your Winamp!

For the Easter egg:

Make sure the window is active and hold down shift while pressing the following:

N + U + L + Esc + L + Esc + S + O + F + T

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More Skins, follow the same instructions as above, but change the filename you would save it as. click on the picture to download.

File Size=109KB

File Size=77KB